Genesis 3:14-24

If we want to be set free from the sin cycle, we need to understand the curse of sin and embrace the cure for sin.


  • First, the curse of sin (3:14, 16-19)
    • The curse of sin impacts our enemy (3:14) 
    • The curse of sin impacts our families/relationships (3:16)
    • The curse of sin impacts our work (3:17-19)
  • Second, the cure for sin (3:15, 20-24)
    • The cure for sin defeats our enemy (3:15)
    • The cure for sin disarms our shame (3:20)
    • The cure for sin delivers us from our exile (3:22-24)

Christ Connections

  • In the New Testament Jesus fulfills the Genesis 3:15 promise through his crucifixion. Crushing the head of the serpent is the heart of the his mission. “Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” (1 John 3:8) When the nails crushed his heels on the cross, the head of the serpent is destroyed.
  • Our exile from sin ends as it began, sin enters in the garden of Eden but restoration begins as Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane and is risen from the dead in a garden tomb.
  • The temple is an image of the Garden of Eden. At Christ’s death the veil that separates the temple from the outside world is torn, representing the end of our separation from Eden.


  • The Curse of Sin impacts our work
    • Where we work
    • How hard we work
    • How long we work
  • The curse of sin touches every part of our lives. From our closest relationships to our greatest responsibilities to our deepest fears. We have to be aware that no part of us is free from this without Christ.
  • How are you trying to cover the curse of sin on your own? Maybe you are hiding from God with Adam because of your sin. Maybe you feel cast out of Eden by God because you aren’t good enough. Maybe you fled from Eden like the prodigal son and you aren’t sure God would ever take you back. Maybe you’ve tried to sow your own fig leaves to cover your shame. Maybe you are trying to find your way back into Eden on your own. Apart from Christ, we are all exiled east of Eden under the judgment of God