Genesis 4:17-5:32

Everyone of us faces two choices with our family, our future, and our faith: will we follow the legacy of the way of Cain or the legacy of the way of Christ?


  • First, the legacy of the way of Cain (4:17-24)
    • The way of Cain shapes a family legacy (4:17-18)
    • The way of Cain shapes a future legacy (4:19-22)
    • The way of Cain shapes a faith legacy (4:23-24)
  • Second, The way of Christ shapes our family legacy (4:25-5:11)
    • The way of Christ shapes our family legacy through a new birth of the offspring of the woman (4:25)
    • The way of Christ shapes our family legacy through a new generation of those made in the image of God (5:1-2)
    • The way of Christ shapes our family legacy through a new Adam who overcomes the fear of death (5:5)
  • Third, The way of Christ shapes our future legacy (5:12-24)
    • The way of Christ shapes our future legacy when we walk with God
    • The way of Christ shapes our future legacy when we are welcomed by God
  • Fourth, The way of Christ shapes our faith legacy (4:26, 5:25-32)
    • The way of Christ shapes our faith legacy through a new hope
    • The way of Christ shapes our faith legacy through a new rest

Christ Connections

  • After Adam’s sin, we all live with a fear of death from the curse. The only way to freedom from the curse is through Christ, a new and better Adam who puts death to death through his resurrection and offers us the free gift of the gospel.
  • In Enoch, the coming of Christ is anticipated. Jesus is the new and better Enoch who doesn’t just walk with God but walks as God. His life, death, and resurrection are so pleasing that he ascends to heave and is welcomed by God.


  • Each of us will leave a legacy. What if the faith legacy you leave behind isn’t of a dedicated relationship with God rooted in submission but a disobedient relationship with God rooted in sin. That’s the faith legacy of the way of Cain and it could be for you as well apart from Christ
  • The way of Christ doesn’t seek its legacy through our family but seeks God’s legacy for our family. We find our significance not in our relatives but in our Redeemer. We are called to put Christ, not our kids, at the center of our lives if we want to honor God with our family legacy.
  • The way of Christ means our legacy is not based in our work but in our faithful walk with God. How’s your walk with God? What’s holding you back from walking with him with the same kind of intimacy and intentionality as Enoch.