Genesis 22:1-24

What we see in Genesis 22 is one of the clearest pictures of the gospel in the book of Genesis as this moment shows us three ways to respond when we face trials of many kinds.


  • First, Endure with faithful obedience (22:1-6)
    • Faithful obedience begins with being available (22:1)
    • Faithful obedience continues with being intentional (22:3-4)
    • Faithful obedience culminates in being steadfast (22:5-6)
  • Second, Embrace our substitutionary sacrifice (22:7-14)
    • Abraham opens his hands and trusts God’s plan – (22:8 )
    • Abraham opens his ears and understands God’s perspective
    • Abraham opens his eyes and sees God’s substitute (22:13)
  • Third, Experience our covenant promise (22:15-24)

Christ Connections

  • The obedience of Isaac points forward to Jesus, who’s obedience to his father would bring him before the cross.
  • This place where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac ends up becoming the same hill where God told Israel to build the temple—the place where the presence of God dwelled and where the sacrifices occurred. This sacrifice takes place at the same spot where the whole sacrificial system of the people of God played out for hundreds of years—in both cases, they are pointing forward to the sacrifice Jesus on the cross. Genesis 22 shows us how Jesus is the one and only son who makes a once and for all sacrifice.
  • What we see in this passage is a foretaste of how God makes a way for our deepest spiritual need through the gospel. The gospel is woven throughout the whole story:
    • We see in Abraham’s faith in v. 8 that God would provide the lamb, which anticipates how Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.
    • We see it in v. 9 as Isaac is strapped to wood on the altar and prepared for death, which previews how Jesus would be strapped to the wood of the cross as he faced death.
    • We see it in v. 12 as the angel commends Abraham for being willing to sacrifice even his only son, which points us to how God loved us so much that he did not withhold his only son from us. 
    • We see it in v. 13 as God provides the ram as a substitute, which points ahead to the substitutionary death of Jesus.
  • Hebrews 11:17–19 tells us that Genesis 22 isn’t just a preview of the cross of Christ but also the resurrection of Christ. The sacrifice takes place on the third day. When this moment that takes place points to another moment that would happen on the third day thousands of years later—the resurrection. 


  • We need to embody Abraham’s approach to trials and remain available, intentional, and steadfast in the face of hardship. James 1:12 helps show us this perspective. That where we are going helps us endure the trials of life. Our destination sustains us in difficulty, our mission sustains us while we are climbing the mountain.
  • If God provided the ram in Abraham’s moment of greatest need, won’t he do the same for us? God is in the business of making a way when there seems as if there is no way; do you think he’s done doing that today? Do you still believe he can do that in your life now?