Genesis 35:1-29

What we will find in Genesis 35 is that, as we come face to face with death, this passage is calling us to reflect on two life-changing questions that can transform how we follow God.


  • The first question is about your heart – Where is your heart focused? (35:1-8)
    • We must purify our hearts by abandoning our idols (35:1-4)
    • We must focus our hearts by worshiping our God (35:5-8)
  • The second question is about your identity – where do you find your identity? (35:9-21)
    • Our identity is found in God’s purpose for our life (35:9-12)
    • Our identity is found in God’s presence in our life (35:13-15)
    • Our identity is found in God’s perspective of our life (35:16-21)

Christ Connections

  • Just as Jacob anointed the stone with oil, Jesus is the greater Jacob who is the cornerstone and the Messiah which means anointed one. Just as all this happened for Jacob in a place called Bethel, Jesus himself is the true and greater Bethel, the house of God, where all of God was pleased to dwell. Now, rather than experience the presence of God for a moment like Jacob at Bethel, Jesus gives us his Holy Spirit as the presence of God in our lives who is always with us and for us.
  • Benjamin is born on the outskirts of a place called “Ephrath,” also known as “Bethlehem”. By God’s providence the birthplace of this last direct son of Jacob is the same location destined to be the birthplace of the coming and greatest son of Jacob, Jesus the Messiah. 
  • Centuries later, just as Benjamin was born in Bethlehem, the True Israel is born in Bethlehem as the prophet foretold. Just as Rachel wanted to name him Ben-oni which stands for “son of my struggle” or “son of my sorrow”, Jesus faced his own struggle with the powers of darkness and was also a man full of sorrow and acquainted with grief. And just as Benjamin’s name means “son of the right hand,” the True Israel will take his own place in victory at the right hand of the Father after he defeats Satan, sin, and death through the cross and resurrection.


  • God wants our hearts, the way that happens is by removing idols and remembering moments.
    • Removing Idols: Idols are are often good things that we turn into God things that become bad things in our life. Success, satisfaction, significance and so many other things can be idols in our lives just like these household gods. 
    • Remembering Moments: Are there moments where God has showed up in your life that you need to remember? Has the difficulty of your journey in life caused you to forget the goodness of God? Your salvation, your protection, your deliverance. Jacob had become so overcome by fear that he had forgotten God’s faithfulness.