Genesis 1:1-13

As Genesis 1 unfolds the beginning of our story, it reveals two realities about the origins of the created kingdom, that he forms and frames the Created Kingdom.


  • First, God Forms the Created Kingdom (1:1-2)
    • God forms the created kingdom with a purpose (1:1)
    • God forms the created kingdom with his presence (1:2)
  • Second, God Frames the Created Kingdom (1:3-13)
    • God frames the created kingdom on day 1 with light (1:3-5)
    • God frames the created kingdom on day 2 with limits (1:6-8)
    • God frames the created kingdom on day 3 with land (1:9-13)

Christ Connections

  • The Christ-centered purpose of Creation (Col. 1:16)
  • Just as the Spirit hovered over the waters in creation, the Spirit overshadows Mary to bring about the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:35), descends upon Jesus at his baptism (Matthew 3:16), and is at work in his resurrection (Romans 1:4)
  • Just as God brings light into the world, Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12)
  • When God creates the waters, he is looking ahead to a coming day when Jesus will offer us living waters through his death and resurrection; When God creates the waters, he is looking ahead to a coming day when Jesus will sanctify his church with the washing of the water of the Word (Eph 5:26). When God creates the waters, he is looking ahead to a coming new creation where a river of endless life-giving water is present for God’s people (Rev 22:1).


  • 3 ​​Non-negotiables about creation in Genesis:
    • First, the virgin birth of creation – Before God speaks the universe into being, there is nothing in existence other than God himself
    • Second, the virtuous birth of creation – Genesis affirms the goodness of all creation before the fall
    • Third, the verified birth of creation – the Bible affirms a historical, literal Adam
  • How long did it take God to create the universe? 
  • How old is the earth?
  • The Trinitarian nature of God’s creation
  • If God has authority over the darkness in creation, then he has authority over the darkness in your life
  • If God created the seas and the land, he can protect and provide for you
  • The power of God’s word first demonstrated in Genesis 1 is witnessed throughout the Bible. And there’s power from God’s word in our lives as well. His word can break every stronghold, overcome every sin, reshape every story, break every chain. If his word is powerful enough to make mountains, it is powerful enough for you and me.