Genesis 17:1-14

As God confirms the covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17, it shows us several ways that God’s commitment to us reshapes our commitment to him.


  • First, the shape of the covenant reshapes our commitment (17:1-8)
    • God reshapes our kingdom character (1-5)
    • God reshapes our kingdom community (6-7)
    • God reshapes our kingdom calling (8)
  • Second, the sign of the covenant reshapes our commitment (17:9-14)

Christ Connections

  • Not only will many nations come from Abraham, many nations will come to him in the gospel of Jesus. Abraham is the father of all those who place their faith in Jesus Christ. The promise comes to him by faith, so that through Jesus believers are welcomed into the family of God according to grace.
  •  Abraham received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised, so that righteousness would be counted to them as well. The physical marking of circumcision served as a daily reminder of the spiritual marking of a faith that was not just for Abraham but for all of us who trust in Christ.
  • The process of circumcision points ahead to the purpose—this sign was an anticipation of what God was going to do in Christ through the cross. When Jesus is circumcised on the 8th day in Luke 2, it is an indication that the new creation is dawning. The death of Jesus is the fulfillment of this covenant sign, on the cross, he is crucified naked in a public display of one who has been cut off from his people, carried outside the gates of the city, and separated from God. Jesus takes the punishment of the covenant so we can receive the promise of the covenant


  • Through Christ’s fulfillment of the blessing to the nations, we have been invited into a global family to follow a loving king. A nation people from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation. Every age, every color, every culture, every language.
  • Baptism has replaced circumcision as the sign of the new covenant. When you go under the waters, it is a symbol of being cut off from the covenant due to our sin but then we are raised to walk in newness of life showing that Jesus has conquered the grave. All professing believers should join in this covenant sign declaring what Christ has done.