Genesis 24:1-67

What Genesis 24 shows us is that there are four keys to walking by faith during the hinge moments in our lives.


  • First, Walk by faith in the Plan of God (24:1-14)
    • We see that the plan is built on a call to purity (24:1-4)
    • We see that the plan is built on a promise (24:5-9)
    • We see that the plan is built on a prayer (24:10-14)
  • Second, Walk by faith in the Presence of God (24:15-32)
    • The presence of God goes before us (24:15-210
    • The presence of God works among us (24:22-28)
    • The presence of God comes behind us (24:29-32)
  • Third, Walk by faith in the Providence of God (24:33-49)
    • The providence of God prepares our way (24:33-41)
    • The providence of God prepares our hearts (24:42-49)
  • Fourth, Walk by faith in the Promises of God (24:50-67)
    • Rebekah’s family walks by faith in the promises of God (24:50-56)
    • Rebekah walks by faith in the promises of God (24:57-61)
    • Isaac walks by faith in the promises of God (24:62-67)

Christ Connections

  • Notice Abraham’s focus is not on what she is doing but on what God is doing; he is looking for how the presence of God has gone before him to prepare his path; we see this pattern of the presence of God going before us throughout scripture – from the garden of Eden to the pillar of cloud and fire in the exodus, to the ark of the covenant in Israel’s battles, and ultimately to Jesus going before us in his death and resurrection
  • The path to Jesus is paved by a series of crossroads in scripture. We can see a preview of the gospel right here in this unexpected marriage. Think about a loving father that sends a faithful servant to secure an unexpecting bride for his long-awaited son who will fulfill the covenant promise to redeem our broken world. Doesn’t that sound familiar? What God does for Abraham’s son Isaac in Genesis 24 is a foretaste of what he will do through Abraham’s greater son Jesus in the gospel; God is a loving father who sends Jesus as the suffering servant to secure the church as his unexpected bride for his new creation kingdom in fulfillment of the promise. God invites us to be a part of that kingdom this morning and if you have never put your faith in Jesus, then the biggest hinge moment you are facing is the question: “Will you trust in him to free you from your sins?” God is calling you to walk by faith for the first time today.


  • Think about that crossroad you are at right now; what can we learn about how to walk by faith in the plan of God during this hinge moment that you are facing? The call to purity in this part of the passage should remind us that God is in the business of doing whatever it takes to make us more like Him, and nowhere is that more important than in hinge moments; what if the one thing you are praying God won’t do in this hinge moment is exactly what you need in your life to become more like Jesus? But the passage also shows us the need to trust God’s provision and protection because we know the promises he has made to us in Christ; when we have that kind of faith, it will overflow in the type of prayer we see here – one that genuinely asks for God’s guidance rather than simply asking him to bless your preferred path
  • Think back to that hinge moment you are facing right now; danger – we feel alone; feel isolated; feel stuck; as if no one can relate, no one can understand, no one cares; Genesis 24 is a reminder to us that, even when it seems like we are alone, we are never alone; the Spirit of Jesus lives within us; so, the presence of God is going before us, it is working among us, and it is coming behind us; you may not be able to see where this hinge moment might lead, but you can trust the one whose presence is leading you
  • It’s graduation time; Aggies graduating this week & high schools in our community in just a few weeks; graduation speaker’s advice will include all sorts of cliches: chase your dreams; you can do anything you set your mind to; live your truth; you can become anything you want to be “shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you’ll reach the stars”; if you boil it all down, those graduation speakers will give you two pieces of advice: find your own way and follow your heart; What Genesis 24 is showing us that we need to crucify everything those graduation speakers say: don’t find your way but find God’s way; don’t follow your heart but follow your Lord; don’t seek first your success but seek first the kingdom; as the servant recounts his journey to Rebekah’s family he shows how he is walking by faith in the providence of God as the Lord prepares his way and prepares their hearts; that’s the posture we need to embrace during these hinge moments in our lives; why? Because God is even more invested in what happens in this turning point in your life than even you are