Genesis 3:7-13

If we want to find lasting victory in the Christian life, we need to understand the final two stages of the sin cycle and how to face them in Christ.


  • First, the shame of sin (3:7-8)
    • We try to hide our shame from others (3:7)
    • We try to hide our shame from God (3:8)
  • Second, the sabotage of sin (3:9-13)
    • First, our sin sabotages our relationship with God (3:9)
    • Second, Our sin sabotages our relationship with one another (3:11)

Christ Connections

  • We have a tendency to hide from God with Adam. Hebrews 12:2 shows us that we can instead hide with God in Christ because Christ frees us from our shame in his death.
  • Escape from the sin cycle comes because Jesus endured the cross, setting us free from the shame of our sin. He endured the judgment we deserved so we can receive the righteousness we don’t deserve.


  • What is shame? Disgust over our disobedience. This fourth step in the sin cycle is where Satan transitions from his power of seduction to his power of accusation. Shame says we are nothing better than our worst moments.
  • Where are you trying to hide from God like Adam and Eve? By hiding you choose not to pursue obedience and repentance and disqualify yourself for service.
  • We still blame others for our own mistakes just like Adam and Eve. We blame our family for our troubles and are angry at our parents for what their parents did to them. We blame our circumstances for our disappointments